Efsane Dizi Breaking Bad'den 20 Efsane Replik
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Efsane Dizi Breaking Bad'den 20 Efsane Replik
1. Stay out of my territory.
İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda
2. You’re an insane, degenerate piece of filth, and you deserve to die.
İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda
3. You two suck at peddling meth.
4. May his death satisfy you.
5. La familia es todo.
6. You're my free pass ... bitch
İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda
7. No more half-measures.
8. Run
9. You -- are not the guy.
10. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No! I am the one who knocks!
11. Fight me and die!
İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda
12. I will kill your wife, I will kill your son, I will kill your infant daughter.
13. Because I say so.
14. Just because you shot Jesse James, don't make you Jesse James.
15. All I can do is wait ... for the cancer to come back.
16. I'm not in the meth business. I'm in the empire business.
İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda
17. Say my name
18. Shut the f--- up and let me die in peace.
19. Tread lightly
20. I will put you under the jail.
Yorumlar ve Emojiler Aşağıda
May everyone live,
And may everyone die.
Hello, my love,
And my love, Goodbye.
-Leonard Cohen...
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çeviri replik nedir arkadaşım ya. "Say my name" mi daha ahenkli yoksa "Adı mı söyle" mi?