20 Fictional TV Characters You Wish Were Real
Böyle Christian Troy ile ortamlara aksak, Walter White ile karavanda sohbet etsek, Angel ile aşk yaşasak fena mı olur.
1. Barney Stinson

Of course he is your bro and best wingman.

She is slightly over-weight. She has her ups and downs. She is totally broke and she has a weird boyfriend. She is one of us.
3. Dexter Morgan

World is not just. Sometimes we need these anti-heroes to bring justice, right?
4. Al Bundy

He is the sum of all married man.
5. Cosmo Kramer

In real life doors are usually locked but it'd be funny to see him entering the hallway and saying something stupid.
6. Angel

He is your second best partner to go out at night. Well, only at nights.
7. Christian Troy

If Barney is the Allen Iverson of picking girls, Christian Troy is Jordan.
8. Eric Cartman

Probably he wouldn't like you but we still like him.
9. Gregory House

First of all your health is secure with him. Secondly, you can look down on other people together.
10. Illana Glazer

This pot-lovin party-animal would be awesome to hang out with. Just try not to give her much responsibilities.
11. Sheldon Cooper

He is your best buddy for the Star Wars Marathon Weekend. Just try no to go out with him that much.
12. Rachel Green

She is your crush, your bestfriend.
13. Walter White

No no no. Not what you think. He is not here for the obvious reasons.
We just like him.
14. Stewie Griffin

First of all his head is funny. Let's just hope that he doesn't want to kill you
15. Tyrion Lannister

He would instantly solve any problems within your family.
16. Carrie Bradshaw

A cosmopolitan please
17. Dr. Who

It'd be great to travel with him in Tardis.
Bonus: George Costanza

We don't need to say more.
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