18 Thing Only People Who Have an Elder Sister Will Understand
18 Thing Only People Who Have an Elder Sister Will Understand
She listens to you, take good care of you and love you. Sometimes she is a parent. Sometimes she is your BFF. It's your elder sister.
İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda

1. She is the second woman in this whole world who loves you most

The Oscar goes to your mother
İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda

2. She always backs you up when you have a problem with your parents

3. You can easily speak to her about your crush

4. All those troubles that you can't tell to your parents, she knows

5. She is the perfect role model

İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda

6. She endures your spoilt and most-selfish acts

7. Your arguments are never ending. Still both of you always forgive each other

8. You don't need a bank account or a job. She is always there for you when you are totally broke

9. When she moves a for university or gets married, its your best and worst day of your life

10. You are always confident about getting the bigger piece from the delicious cake at home

İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda

11. You learn what love is at an early age

12. You know the real meaning of "I got your back"

13. You have the freedom to err

14. You have chance to repeat all those errors again and again

15. You have your clothes... and hers.

İçeriğin Devamı Aşağıda

16. First day of school, being alone or darkness. These are never a fear for you

You know the meaning of love without expectation

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